Bowling Social Meet-Ups for Summer of 2022. This is our summer social meet-ups that we have during the summer. This event is open to all children and is inclusive to anyone who wants to participate. The children are able to socialize and continue to learn about social cues and communication. The cost is about $12 […]
Frogmon Basketball presents Hard 2 Guard Basketball Clinic with WallynZavys Autistic Kids Can Do! All kids can benefit from sports and exercise. We open this even to boys and girls over the age of 10 who want to learn more about basketball and for the beginners how to play the game. This is an inclusive […]
Guided Play for Young Children We would like to help your family manage your child who may be affected by Autism by learning the roles and methods of play. These play sessions will greatly benefit your child. We aim to improve social and emotional well-being. Parents must remain on location and are […]
This is a fundraiser to support WallynZavy's Autistic Kids Can Do! Inclusion Center. It will be a part of the Juneteenth Festival hosted by the NAACP Metuchen-Edison-:Local Branch. To pre-register for the 5K Walk please use the QR code or can go to Eventbrite and use this link: . The other flyer gives […]
Join us for our Annual Gala Awards Fundraiser for Autism Awareness. We are celebrating the work of these trailblazers who are working to help and support the lives of those that are struggling with Autism, Special Needs challenges and mental illness. We want to help celebrate their work and their accomplishments they have achieved helping […]